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Tampa Bay Bears
Apr 11, 20210 min read
Bears go to the beach!
Our next events will be a beach day at Treasure Island wrapping up at Sir David, Tampa Pride (watch for a volunteer sign up soon), and a pri

Tampa Bay Bears
Mar 19, 20210 min read
Bear Games - Bingo and Softball!
We hope you are all doing well! Your TBB Board members had a great meeting recently, which included a lot of new events in the works.

Tampa Bay Bears
Feb 26, 20210 min read
Sawmill Weekend & Cristoph's Bingo
Spring is upon us and that can mean only one thing... the Bears are coming out of hibernation!

Tampa Bay Bears
Nov 19, 20200 min read
We're thankful for YOU, our brother bears.
As we coming up on Thanksgiving, we want to say we're thankful for all of you. It's been a year like no other, without question...

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